Rows Of Religious Organizations Rejecting Mining Permits From Jokowi

YOGYAKARTA Government Regulation (PP) Number 25 of 2024 concerning Amendments to Government Regulation Number 96 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Mineral and Coal Mining Business Activities, allows community organizations (Ormas) to have a permit to manage mining areas. Although there is a red carpet from President Joko Widodo, some mass organizations choose to refuse the awarding of these concessions. Religious organizations that refuse mining permits ranging from the Indonesian Church Mayor Conference (KWI) to Huria Kristen Batak Protestant (HKBP).

This article will discuss religious organizations that reject and accept a helping hand from President Jokowi regarding the management of the Special Mining Business Permit Area (WIUPK).

The following is a list of religious omas that reject the offer of mining management from the government:

1. Indonesian Bishops' Conference (KWI)

KWI as the official representative of the Catholic religion in Indonesia, explicitly stated the treatment of the mining IUP given by President Jokowi.

Secretary of the Commission for Justice and Peace, Migrant, and Partau and Integrity of the creation of KWI Marthen LP Jenarut said, Catholic churches always encourage development governance in accordance with sustainable principles (sutaminability).

"Economic growth should not sacrifice people's lives and environmental sustainability. Therefore, it seems that KWI is not interested in taking the offer," said Marten in a written statement, quoted by VOI, Tuesday, June 11, 2024.

He added that KWI is a religious institution with roles such as, the duties of the native diakonia (services), riesgma (warries), liturgical (hit) and martyria (featuration spirit).

KWI focuses on reporters and services so as to realize a dignified lifestyle.

2. Communion of Indonesian Christian Churches (PGI)

PGI as a representative of Christianity in Indonesia also rejected the offer of mining management permits.

PGI General Chairperson Gomar Gultom said mining management is not their field of service. In addition, his party also does not have the ability to manage mines.

"This is outside the mandate of PGI," said Gomar.

PGI does appreciate Jokowi's policy. However, that does not mean that PGI wants to participate in the management of mining land.

Gomar then mentioned the role of PGI which often assists victims as a result of mining businesses.

"PGI if it participates in a potential mining business, it will make PGI deal with itself in the future and will be very vulnerable to losing moral legitimacy," he said.

3. Christian Huria Batak Protestant (HKBP)

In line with KWI and PGI, Huria Kristen Batak Protestant (HKBP) also rejected the offer of mining land management offered by President Jokowi to religious organizations.

"We with all humility state that HKBP will not involve itself as a church to mine," said Ephorus HKBP Robinson Butarbutar in a written statement.

Robinson revealed the reason why his party refused to be involved in managing mining governance permits. Based on the 1996 conference, one of the tasks of HKBP is to take responsibility for maintaining the environment that has been exploited in the name of development.

According to him, the exploitation that has occurred for a long time has caused environmental damage to cause unstoppable earth warming and must be overcome.

So far, only Nahdlatul Ulama has stated that they are ready to accept the mining concession offer given by President Joko Widodo.

Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board Yahya Cholil Staquf revealed the reason his party received an offer for mining permit from the government.

The main reason is because PBNU requires funds to finance the operations of various Nahdlatul Ulama programs and infrastructure.

"NU needs, whatever is halal, which can be a source of income for organizational financing," said Gus Yahya Yahya Cholil Staquf's nickname at the PBNU office, Central Jakarta, Thursday, June 6, 2024.

Meanwhile, Muhammadiyah stated that it would still review the consequences of the management of the mining land offered by the government.

General Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah Abdul Mu'ti said that his party would not be in a hurry in responding to the granting of mining governance permits for religious organizations.

"It will not be rushed and measure itself so as not to cause problems for organizations, society, nation and state," said Mu'ti in a written statement, Sunday, June 9, 2024.

Before expressing his attitude, continued Mu'ti, PP Muhammadiyah will first review from various aspects and points of view comprehensively.

That's information about religious organizations that refuse mining permits. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.