Pertamina Gandeng Bappenas Establishes Sustainable Energy Policy Cooperation

JAKARTA - PT Pertamina (Persero) together with the National Development Planning Agency (Bapennas) signed a cooperation agreement for the development of sustainable energy policies.

The signing was carried out at the Bappenas Building, Jakarta, Monday, June 10.

The signing was carried out by the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa and Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati.

Minister of National Development Planning (PPN)/Head of Bappenas, Suharso Monoarfa said, this collaboration further strengthens the commitment of the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, and Pertamina in dealing with the global climate crisis.

He emphasized that synergy is an important thing and can accelerate the use of the energy transition, as well as efforts to maintain national energy security. This is done to achieve the target of Indonesia Gold 2045.

"We also want to reduce household gas emissions and achieve net zero emissions, but at the same time we also need energy needs that increase 4-5 times with environmentally friendly energy. At the same time, we also encourage the complex petrochemical industry in Indonesia, therefore we hope that this cooperation can really be rolled out until we pick up Indonesia's gold 2045," said Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa, quoted on Tuesday, June 11.

Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati stated that this strategic collaboration is proof of Pertamina's seriousness in achieving national energy independence, including the use of low-carbon energy while aligning with the Government's steps.

"Pertamina as a business entity must align its steps with the Government considering its main role in maintaining energy security, energy affordability, and environmental sustainability. At the same time continue to encourage carbon emission reduction programs," said Nicke.

The synergy between Bappenas and Pertamina includes joint study and development of energy policy roadmaps on national energy security, downstream oil and gas, and utilization of transitional energy. In addition, the implementation of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) activities, dissemination of policies and exchange of information related to the energy sector to support Indonesia's transformation.

In order to increase efficiency and sustainable innovation, cooperation also includes the use of technology and improving the quality of human resources (HR) in the energy sector.

"So we have to achieve several goals according to the SDGS. Earlier, PKS was signed to develop superior human resources to run all businesses that are more sustainable in the future and can produce a green economy. The energy transition for Indonesia is not just reducing carbon emissions, but must be able to increase GDP and absorb as much labor as possible," explained Nicke.

Pertamina's Vice President of Corporate Communication Fadjar Djoko Santoso added that the collaboration between Bappenas and Pertamina will be part of the use of the Nusantara Sustainability Hub in the State Capital City (IKN), which last week began construction with the laying of the first stone by Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

He revealed, Nusantara Sustainability Hub is the center of innovation that supports the sustainable use of energy resources. "The cooperation between Pertamina and Bappenas is expected to further strengthen the Nusantara Sustainability Hub into a catalyst in ESG and SGDs principles," explained Fadjar.

The Nusantara Sustainability Hub is supported by Pertamina Sustainability Expert as a brainware, in the form of a collection of experts from Pertamina and universities including Pertamina University in the field of sustainability.