Requirements For People Who Want To Sacrifice Eid Al-Adha And Criteria For People Who Are Considered Able

YOGYAKARTA - Sacrificial worship is one of the noble practices for Muslims. The slaughter of the sacrifice was carried out during Eid al-Adha which is also called the Hajj Eid al-Fitr. This sacrifice celebration is a moment that Muslims around the world look forward to every year.

Sacrificial worship is also a form of concern or sharing with others. The meat from the sacrifice will be distributed to people in need. Muslims who are able to be encouraged to undergo sacrifices as a form of worship. So what are the requirements for people who want to sacrifice during Eid al-Adha for Muslims?

Eid al-Adha is one of the important days in Islam. Eid al-Adha is a combination of the word Arabic Id which means return and Adha the word udhiyah which means sacrifice. So it can be interpreted that Eid al-Adha is back to sacrifice. Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha by slaughtering sacrificial animals and distributing them to others.

There are several requirements for Muslims who want to be participants in the sacrifice. Here are three conditions for people who want to sacrifice, reported from the BAZNAS website:

People who sacrifice must be Muslim because non-Muslims are not required to sacrifice. In addition, sacrificial worship is highly recommended for Muslims.

Sacrificial services can be carried out by Muslims who have reached the age of late childhood and have mind. Meanwhile, children or people who have not yet passed out toddle are not required to sacrifice.

The command to sacrifice is recommended for a capable Muslim. Muslims who are unable do not need to force themselves to sacrifice. If they are not able to do it independently, they can sacrifice collectively in accordance with Islamic law.

One of the requirements for people who sacrifice is to be considered capable. Some Muslims wonder what the criteria for people who are said to be capable of sacrifice are. In this case, there are several different opinions from the ulama.

The following are the criteria for people who are called 'able' to sacrifice according to a number of scholars from the four imams of the schools:

According to Imam Syafi'i, the ability to sacrifice means having sufficient assets to buy sacrificial animals for Eid al-Adha. This expenditure does not interfere with the basic needs of his life and the people he is responsible for.

Imam Malik believes that a person is considered capable if he has more assets. If the property is used to buy sacrificial animals, it will not interfere with basic needs for one year.

Imam Abu Hanifah has a different view. According to him, a person is considered capable if he has assets worth more than nisab, namely 200 dirhams. These assets do not interfere with basic needs such as clothing, food, boards, and the needs of the people who are dependents.

Meanwhile, Imam Ahmad bin Hambal, according to Gus Nawir, defines the ability to have sufficient assets to buy sacrificial animals. It is even said that he can afford it if he has to be in debt, with the belief that he is able to pay off the debt.

There are several types of animals commonly used for sacrificial animals, such as cows, goats, camels, and sheep. However, there are still main requirements for animals that are allowed as Eid al-Adha sacrificial animals, namely the provisions of age and physical criteria.

Those are the requirements for people who want to sacrifice during Eid al-Adha. If you meet the requirements above, you should immediately participate in carrying out your sacrifice as worship starting according to Islamic teachings. Also read the origins of the slaughter of the sacrifice during Eid al-Adha.

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