Survey: Public Satisfaction With Ridwan Kamil Is The Highest Compared To Other Regional Heads When Serving

JAKARTA - KATADATA Insight Center (KIC) released the results of a survey regarding public satisfaction with former regional heads in a number of provinces, ranging from Banten, Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, South Sulawesi, West Sumatra, to North Sumatra. As a result, former West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil received the highest public satisfaction for his performance as regional head, namely 88.3 percent.Survey Manager of KIC Satria Triputra Wisnumurti explained that the results of this survey could describe that most West Javanese citizens wanted Ridwan Kamil to return to lead the region. "The former or incumbent who was considered most worthy of being governor again had a satisfaction value of more than 80 percent," said Satria in her statement, Sunday, June 9. Following, former East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa was in second place with a satisfaction level of 86.7 percent. Furthermore, former Sulawesi Governor Andi Sudirman has a satisfaction level of 85.4 percent, as well as West Sumatra Governor Mahyeldi Ansharullah of 82.4 percent. In the same survey results, KIC imaged the performance of the governor of Jakarta far below public satisfaction with the governor of West Java. The percentage of public satisfaction with only 56.7 percent. With this public satisfaction number, KIC found that the people of Jakarta felt Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (BTP) or Ahok most worthy of being the governor of Jakarta. In addition, there are the names of Anies Baswedan and Ridwan Kamil who are also considered worthy of being Jakarta governors. If support for Ahok reaches 33.3 percent, Anies and Ridwan Kamil stick to Ahok with a percentage of 25.4 percent for Anies and 20 percent for Ridwan Kamil.

"The survey findings also show that Ridwan Kamil is not only wanted by the people of West Java to become governor, his name is also mentioned by the public to be governor in Jakarta," he explained. For information, this survey was conducted in the period 3-9 May 2024. The survey was conducted online through data collection tSurvey with a non-probability sampling method. The margin of error is around 1.1 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.