Cak Imin Asks MPR To Perfect Constitution, Close Gaps Utilized By Certain Goals And Groups
JAKARTA - Chairman of the MPR RI Bambang Soesatyo or Bamsoet said there were a number of things conveyed by PKB General Chair Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin during a gathering at the PKB DPP Office, Raden Saleh, Central Jakarta today, Saturday, June 8.
This was conveyed by Bamsoet in a press conference after holding a closed meeting which was held since 10:00 WIB. He said, Cak Imin and the PKB ranks provided input to improve the constitution in the future.
"Menurut dia untuk mengatasi UU yang ada ini tidak cukup dengan mengubah UU tapi melalui utah basinya, yaitu mempurnahan perubahan di konstitusinya," kata Bamsoet.
"Because holes are sometimes used for certain purposes, by certain groups and so on," he continued.
In the future, the PKB called Bamsoet will also propose various inputs in writing. "Because we are determined that we will make a legacy of the wisdom documents that will be submitted to the upcoming MPR as well as to the elected president," said the deputy chairman of the Golkar Party.
Responding to Bamsoet's statement, Cak Imin said that there are many holes in the constitution that must be perfected. Thus, their input should be a recommendation for the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly in the future.
"Like it or not, the upcoming MPR should carry out the improvement of the 1945 Constitution because of the demands of developments and changes that occur," he said.
One of them, said Cak Imin, was related to the limitation of the president's authority. "It is impossible for the presidential institution to be enacted because the presidential institution is what makes the president," explained Cak Imin.
So that an unbounded regulation of the president's authority is needed by perfecting articles on the president. For example, that's just an example," he concluded.