Social Media Activist Arrested In Saudi Arabia Sells Visa Visa Through Facebook, Travel AND Owner

The social media activist arrested by the security forces of Saudi Arabia is known to sell pilgrimage visas for Hajj via Facebook, said the Indonesian Consulate General in Jeddah, Yusron B. Ambary.

Yusron said the social media activist had the initials LMN (40 years) and had been named a suspect.

"The suspect with the initials LMN, concerned was arrested with his nephew. Arrested in Makkah on his way to the hotel," said Yusron in Jeddah as reported by ANTARA, Friday, June 7.

He clarified the previous statement that LMN was a celebrity. According to him, LMN is only social media activists who actively advertise cheap hajj without lining up on Facebook.

"Not a celebrity, but he's a social media activist. He sells it through his Facebook account, already has five thousand followers," said Yusron.

LMN is also known to have a travel with the initials AND tour and travel. However, the travel does not have a permit to depart for the pilgrimage.

"Just have a Umrah permit, I don't have a Hajj permit yet," he said.

LMN promised 50 people could perform Hajj without lining up by paying Rp. 100 million. Currently, the congregation is already in Makkah and is advised to return to their homeland so that they do not fall into legal problems in Saudi Arabia.

Previously, a social media activist was detained by the security forces of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for allegedly selling illegal hajj visas.

If you dive on social media such as Facebook, X (Twitter) and Tiktok, many users are found promoting Hajj visas without queues. The visa is classified as illegal.

Meanwhile, the implementation of the pilgrimage is regulated in Law Number 8 of 2019 concerning the Implementation of Hajj and Umrah.