PSI Supports Deputy NasDem Ahmad Ali Forward To Central Sulawesi Gubernatorial Election

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Kaesang Pangarep gave a letter of recommendation to Ahmad Ali and Abdul Karim Aljufri as candidate pairs for governor and deputy governor who will run in the 2024 Central Sulawesi Pilkada.

"As the General Chairperson of PSI, I provide a letter of recommendation as a form of our support to candidate pairs Ahmad Ali and Abdul Karim Aljufri as candidates for governor and deputy governor of Central Sulawesi 2024-2029," said Kaesang at the PSI DPP Office, Jakarta, Friday.

He admitted that he had communicated with Ahmad Ali, who is also the Deputy Head of NasDem regarding plans to run in the Central Sulawesi Pilkada.

According to him, Ahmad Ali's plan is very good for the welfare of the people of Central Sulawesi. In addition, Kaesang assessed the pair Ahmad Ali and Abdul Karim Aljufri as the strongest candidates.

"I feel Pak Ahmad Ali has a very high commitment and is also the strongest candidate as the leader of Central Sulawesi," he said.

Kaesang hopes that Ahmad Ali and Abduo Karim Aljufri can have a positive impact if they are elected as a pair of governors and deputy governors of Central Sulawesi 2024-2029.

In addition, Kaesang asked the couple to continue the construction that had begun and ensure the transition of President Jokowi's leadership to Prabowo Subianto.

"I ask PSI cadres in Central Sulawesi to win the two candidates Ahmad Ali and Abdul Karim Aljufri later as governor and deputy governor of Central Sulawesi," concluded Kaesang.