DuckDuckGo Launches Anonymous Accessable AI Chatbot

JAKARTA DuckDuckGo, an internet search engine, announced that it has launched AI Chats to all users. This free accessible chatbot offers four different AI models. Through its official broadcast, DuckDuckGo says that chatbots on its platform are integrated with the 3.5 Turbo GPT of OpenAI Claude 3 Haiku of Anthropic, Llama 3 of Meta, and Mixtral 8x7B of Mistral. These four AI models can be accessed anonymously. There are several features that DuckDuckGo will feature presents on AI Chat, ranging from a history of chats that are kept secret to the launch of more AI models. Here are some features that will be added to DuckDuckGo. All chats in DuckDuckGo chatbots will be private and anonymized. No conversations are used as training tools for any AI model. The AI Chat can be accessed via DuckDuckGo's official website. Users only need to open a shortcut ai! and chat! inside the Chat tab. DuckDGouck will add more AI models in the near future. This search engine plans to add paid packages for access indefinitely. DuckDuckGo explains that the majority of AI models will retrieve someone's personal information, but this problem does not happen in DuckDuckGo. The company claims that AI Chat is one of the secure chatbots to use.

"DuckDuckGo AI Chat is a free and anonymous way to access popular AI chatbots," the search engine said. "If you're interested in AI chatbots, but have the same privacy concerns, DuckDuckGo AI Chat is suitable for you." Furthermore, DuckDuckGo explains that chatbots on its platform do store chats, but only temporarily. All AI model providers in AI Chat can only keep chats for 30 days, after which all chats must be deleted.