NU Becomes A Religious Organization That Will Receive A Mining Managing Permit From Jokowi

JAKARTA - Investment Minister/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia revealed that Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) will be the first religious organization to obtain mining management permits from the government.

"NU has finished, it has been processed, I will use the principle because this is for the afterlife savings, the sooner the better. God willing (next week)," he said at a press conference, at the BKPM Office, Jakarta, Friday, June 7.

Furthermore, Bahlil said that the permit was granted through the establishment of a business entity. Later, said Bahlil, after the IUPK is granted, the government will find a contractor in its operation.

"Some of these IUP holders are done by contractors. Our job is the government after we give this IUP to community organizations, so we look for partners," he said.

Bahlil also claimed that the mining management permit that had been granted by the government to religious organizations should not be transferred.

"Where this IUP cannot be moved, this is very strict, not easy. Because this IUP is held by the cooperatives of community organizations and cannot be transferred in any form," he said.

By granting this mining permit, Bahlil hopes that religious organizations can reduce the burden on organizations and be able to continue social programs.

"We hope that the results will reduce the burden and at the same time carry out public programs, community programs, both in education, health, social, including social solving in the community," he said.

Previously, President Joko Widodo said that Special Mining Business Permits (IUPK) for community organizations (ormas) had strict requirements and were given to business entities or cooperatives owned by mass organizations.

"What is given is once again business entities in mass organizations, the requirements are also very strict," said President Jokowi when giving a press statement after reviewing the location of the 79th Indonesian Independence Day Ceremony at IKN, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, June 5.

IUPK is given to business entities owned by mass organizations, both in the form of cooperatives and limited companies (PT). Jokowi denied that IUPK was given to the institution or community organization itself, but its business institution.

"Whether it is given to cooperatives in mass organizations or possibly PT and others. So the business entity given (IUPK), not the mass organization," said the President.