How Long Is The Expiration Period Of Meat Storage In The Freezer? Pay Attention To The Savings Rules
YOGYAKARTA 'Saving meat in the freezer so that it freezes, is one way to keep it undamaged and the nutritional value remains good. Meat that can last longer stored in the freezer, depending on the cut and the type of meat. In the freezer, raw meat can be stored and can still be eaten with high quality for 1 to 12 months.
So how do you save it so it can be safe to eat even though it has been stored for a long time? To stay safe and prevent bacteria from entering so as to make rotten meat, follow the tips.
The safest meat is stored in a freezer with a temperature of -18 degrees Celsius. The temperature is warmer, it turns out that it can allow bacteria to reproduce in the meat so that it can make people sick if they eat it. This is why if meat is stored in a regular refrigerator it can only last a few days. But if it is frozen or stored in the freezer, it can slow down the growth of bacteria even though it is not enough to prevent food decay.
The right storage technique, apart from being frozen, is also done by means of infiltration and preservatives. In principle, in storing meat, it is necessary to prevent a decline in quality due to exposure to bacteria. The best way to prepare meat before it is frozen or stored in the freezer, is to take the following steps.
According to expert advice, once frozen raw meat is disbursed, it's best not to freeze it again unless cooked first. This can reduce texture and quality.
Because there are many kinds of red meat. Not to mention the types that are prepared to be processed into certain dishes. So it is important to store it based on the specifications of the meat. For steak meat can be stored frozen for 6-12 months.
Grilled meat (4-12 months), beef liver and tongue (3-4 months), pork (1 month), raw sausage (1-2 months). Chickens can be stored frozen longer than fish. Chickens can last 12 months while fatty fish have a shorter shelf life than fish without glue that can be stored frozen for 6-8 months.