The Attorney General's Office Confiscates Surya Darmadi's Assets From Homes In Kebayoran To The Kuningan Apartment Unit

JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office confiscated assets belonging to the corruption convict Duta Palma Group Surya Darmadi in the South Jakarta area.

"The confiscation of cases that have been signed," said Head of the Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum) Ketut Sumedana in Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Thursday, June 6.

During the confiscation, said Ketut, the team of investigating prosecutors also carried out the return of evidence and security measures against the property of the convict Surya Darmadi.

Kegiatan tersebut, lanjut dia, sebagai upaya penyelesasan pidana uang pengganti dalam perkara tindak pidana korupsi dan tindak pidana pencucian uang (TPPU) pergantian lahan hutan helindung oleh PT Duta Pala Group.Upaya ini berdasarkan pekasan Putusan Mahkamah Agung RI Nomor: 4950 K/Pid.Sus/2023 tanggal 14 September 2-23junctoPutusan Pengadilan Tinggi DKI Jakarta, dalam putusnya Nomor: 18/Pid.Sus-TPK/2022/PN Jkt.Pst tanggal 23 Februari 2023 dengan amar keputusan salah satunya untuk membayar uang pengganti sebesar Rp2,238 triliun.

Following up on the Supreme Court's decision, Jampidsus made an official memorandum on March 1, 2024 regarding the proposal for confiscation and execution of evidence in the form of movable and immovable assets, namely evidence confiscated for the state as payment for replacement money as much as eight pieces of evidence.

Evidence confiscated for the state as a result of money laundering offenses as much as 33 pieces of evidence. The evidence returned and confiscated by investigators was as much as 70 pieces of evidence and evidence returned to those who were entitled and blocked as many as 46 pieces of evidence.

Regarding the points of several files related to the minutes of submission of the evidence listed above, said Ketut, the convict Surya Darmadi was not willing to sign the minutes.

However, there are several confiscated assets of execution that have been carried out by security by installing the execution confiscated lane by the UHLBEE Directorate Task Force, namely land and buildings located at the Main Golf Evidence Road Block PA/29 Sueb Sector III, Pondok Pinang Village, Kebayoran Lama District, South Jakarta, Jalan Bukit Golf Utama Sector III PE Kav Block. Number 7, Pondok Pindang, South Jakarta.

Next is the apartment on the 40th and 35th floors in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta. Buildings on Simprung Garden Street, Kebayoran Lama, and Rasuna Said Street, South Jakarta.

"Regarding the confiscated goods of the execution, the executor prosecutor has handed over confiscated goods for execution to the Management Section of Evidence and Rampasan Goods at the Central Jakarta District Attorney's Office for further completion and assistance by the Asset Recovery Center in accordance with applicable regulations," said Ketut.

Surya Darmadi is a convict in the corruption case of PT Duta Palma Group's oil palm land in Indragiri Hulu Regency, Riau, with a state loss value of Rp. 100 trillion.