SKK Migas Pede Will Find Additional Oil Production 4,096 BOPD And 98 MMSCFD Gas. Here's How

JAKARTA - Efforts by the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) and Cooperation Contract Contract Contractors (KKKS) to obtain additional potential production of oil and gas at the 2024 Facility Production, Metering and Maintenance Working Meeting have succeeded in finding additional potential for oil production around 4,096 BOPD and gas around 98 MMSCFD.

Head of the SKK Migas Facility Production and Maintenance Division Bambang Prayoga said the additional potential for the Filling The Gap program was obtained from efforts to optimize planned maintenance activities which are expected to provide additional oil production of around 2,000 BOPD and 20 MMSCFD gas.

"Then from the implementation of the production technology, it is hoped that it can add around 643 BOPD oil and 7 MMSCFD gas," he said in a statement to the media, Thursday, June 6.

Furthermore, he continued, from the debottlenecking effort, stock depletion and optimization of production facilities are expected to increase oil production by around 1,379 BOPD and gas by around 65 MMSCFD.

"Then from efforts to optimize the use of fuel and reduce flares and the contribution from old wells will increase oil production by around 74 BOPD and gas by around 6 MMSCFD," Bambang continued.

He added that the potential for additional oil and gas production in the Filling The Gap program came from programs outside of what had been agreed upon at Work, Program & Budget (WPnB) 2024.

"The success of SKK Migas and KKKS in finding additional oil and gas production potential shows that we continue to work hard in making various efforts in the midst of difficult and challenging situations and conditions, so that oil and gas production can be increased," said Bambang.

Bambang detailed that the KKKS contributed to the addition of oil through the Filling The Gap program for oil between Lani Pertamina Group, Exxon Mobil Cepu Limited, Medco Group and others. For gas, KKKS which contributes to the Filling The GAP program include Pertamina Group, Medco Group, ENI Muara Bakau, BP Berau and others.

In addition to efforts through the Filling The Gap program, said Bambang, SKK Migas and KKKS will also innovate and breakthrough to reduce the use of gas fuel and replace it with electrical energy sources from PLN.

"Like in the Badak LNG, which requires very large gas fuel reaching 32 MMSCFD. If the plan to replace the use of gas fuel to PLN electricity, it can be realized that 32 MMSCFD gas fuel can be commercialized as pipe gas, LNG or in other forms," he concluded.