Polda Metro Names Two Allegations Of Criminal Elements In The Case Of PDIP Secretary General Hasto

Polda Metro Jaya said there were two alleged criminal elements in the case involving the Secretary General of the PDI-P Hasto Kristiyanto as reported. Both are Electronic Transaction Information or ITE and incitement.

"There is also an ITE problem, then there is a matter of incitement," said Director of General Criminal Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Wira Satya Triputra, to reporters, Thursday, June 6.

However, Wira was reluctant to explain clearly about the progress of handling the case. It was only conveyed that his party had examined several witnesses other than Hasto Kristiyanto who was the reported party.

"The reporter has been examined, there are already many (witnesses)," he said

Wira emphasized that his party was still investigating the alleged criminal act that was reported. Instructions and evidence are still being collected to prove whether there is a criminal element.

"We will explore it first. (Reports) We are still investigating it first," said Wira.

Hasto Kristiyanto underwent an examination at the Sub-Directorate of State Security (Kamneg) of the Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya, Tuesday, June 4.

Pemeriksaan itu berdasarkan surat pangilan yang tergistrasi dengan nomor B/13674/V/RES.1.24./2024/Ditreskrimum, tergalgal 29 Mei 2024.

In the letter, the basis for summoning Hasto was two police reports (LP) number LP/B/1735/III/2024/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA dated March 26, 2024 and Police Report Number LP/B/1812/III/2024/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA dated March 31, 2024.