Padang District Court Prepares Temporary Rentals For Residents Affected By Evictions In Kuranji

JAKARTA - The Padang District Court (PN) in West Sumatra (West Sumatra) admitted that it had prepared temporary housing for residents affected by the eviction in Kuranji District, Padang City.This was conveyed by the Padang District Court Confiscation Officer after executing an area of about 1 hectare (Ha) in Kuranji District."For people who occupy objects and their houses are demolished and do not have a place to live, we will prepare a rented house for one month," said Padang District Court Confiscation Officer, West Sumatra Hendri D in Padang, West Sumatra, Thursday, June 6, confiscated by Antara.The execution refers to the Decision of the Indonesian Supreme Court on December 8, 2022 Number: 1163 PK/PILT/2022 with the verdict of granting the petition for a review of PK applicants, namely Pudi Rajo Api (deceased) which was continued by the heirs as a substitute according to the custom in the people, namely Syafriadi Rajo Api alias Gayo and Rahim.Second, canceling the Supreme Court Decision Number 1856 K/Pdt/2015 dated November 26, 2015 which canceled the Padang High Court Decision Number 186/PDT/2014/PTPDG dated December 10, 2014 which canceled the Padang District Court Decision Number 72/Pdt.G/2013/PN Pdg dated June 11, 2014.Hendri ensured that temporary residences for residents affected by the eviction were not far from the execution site or two kilometers away.The provision of one month's rental is one solution to the case for residents affected by the execution, especially those with children, and is currently carrying out a class promotion test."We only provide housing to two heads of families who are fighting the execution," he said.
Regarding the existence of a permanent building that was not executed, Hendri explained that the building belonged to the applicant for execution, and one building belonging to the respondent who chose to make peace with the execution applicant."It has been replaced and the money has been deposited at the Padang District Court," he explained.The case, which has been rolling since 2013, involves Syafriadi or Rajo Api alias Gayo and Rahim as applicants for the execution against Syamsinar, Khairullah, the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture, Cq of the Padang City Agricultural Training and Counseling Education Agency, the Padang City land acquisition committee, the Padang City Land Agency and several other plaintiffs.On that occasion, he emphasized that the Padang City Agricultural Training and Counseling Education Agency only had a certificate of use rights and was declared against the law and had no legal force based on the court's decision."Secondly, the certificate began in 1980 and ended in 2005 and in 2013 the applicant for execution sued the court," he said.