5 Tips To Solve Overthinking To Avoid Anxiety Disorders

JAKARTA - Thinking about many things that cause fear followed by anxiety is called overthinking. This psychological term can have a negative impact on a person's mental state. If it lasts a long time, it can reduce the quality of the body's health.

Overthinking is reported by Psychology Today, Sunday, March 14, is a condition of someone who constantly remembers the past and feels worried about the future. Based on research, this condition is often experienced by adults aged 25 to 35 years.

Later adults, 45 to 55, also experience overthinking, although the numbers are less on average. Because it can cause anxiety disorders, here are tips for overcoming overthinking.

Be aware of the state of mind

In a conscious state, overthinking can be recognized. The mind of venturing deep into the past or on events that happened out of control. Most thoughts have the effect of lowering productivity.

If you experience events that happen out of control, you need to control your emotions and slowly accept the reality. Because there is no other way but to accept and learn from the past.

Controlling negative thoughts

Overthinking makes the body tired even though you don't do much activity. This is because negative thoughts make life more burdensome.

Truly negative thoughts can be controlled, for example, not dissolving in regret. If you need a break, get out of the room and breathe fresh air. You can also meet with relatives or friends to get an injection of positive energy.

Looking for a solution

The mind often gets stuck on the same problem, this is a symptom of overthinking. To fix this, try to find a solution or problem-solving. So don't drag on that thoughts, there's no need to berate yourself as a form of remorse. Enough of regret, then focus on the future.


Introspection is needed to recheck which ones should be improved and which ones should be accepted. If anything is fixed then find a way.

Calming down illustration (Freepik/wayhomestudio)

If there is something to accept, try to be open-minded. There is much that can still be done when thinking moderately and acting as best you can.


When overthinking requires mindfulness or awareness and focus on the 'present situation. Try to cover up the past that is haunting the mind. Bury the regrets that come insistently.

Meditation is a way to be more relaxed or accept the conditions that occur as universal provisions. Or you can enjoy the green open spaces and breathe in the fresh breeze.

Lastly, overthinking can be solved by reading books, watching movies, listening to music, and exercising.