The Government Has Salurkan Salary To 13 Capai Rp25.21 Trillion

JAKARTA - Head of the Communication and Information Services Bureau (KLI) of the Ministry of Finance Deni Surjantoro said the government had disbursed the 13th salary for the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), TNI, and Polri from June 5 to 17.00 WIB with a total realization of Rp25.21 trillion.

Deni conveyed that the realization value of the 13th Salary payment for Central ASN, TNI/Polri until June 5, 2024 at 17.00 WIB reached Rp12.17 trillion for 1,827,710 employees/personnel. As well as Rp10.83 trillion for 3,346,891 retirees. Furthermore, regional civil servants that have been distributed by the local government amounting to Rp2.21 trillion for 451,508 employees.

The details of the 13th salary payment for civil servants (PNS) have been paid in the amount of Rp5.78 trillion to 804,830 employees.

Then, the payment of salaries to 13 to PPPK amounted to Rp334 billion for 83,849 employees, payments for members of the National Police amounting to Rp3.28 trillion for 468,987 personnel/employees, and payments for TNI soldiers amounting to Rp2.7 trillion for 470,044 personnel/employees.

"Overall, the number of work units (satker) that have been paid is 9,033 or 65.67 percent of 13,755 satkers. The number of ministries/agencies (K/L) that have applied for a Salary of 13 is 83 K/L or 98.81 percent of 84 KL," he explained in his statement, quoted Thursday, June 6.

Furthermore, the payment of the 13th salary for retirees was IDR 10.83 trillion or 94.84 percent for 3,346,891 retirees from 3,565,422 retirees.

The 13th salary payment for retirees distributed through PT Taspen amounted to Rp9.49 trillion or 94.40 percent for 2,875,042 retirees from 3,079,962 retirees.

Then those through PT Asabri amounted to Rp1.34 trillion or 97.5 percent for 471,829 retirees from 485,460 retirees.

Meanwhile, the disbursement of the 13th salary for regional ASN that has been distributed by the local government is IDR 2.21 trillion for 451,508 employees.

Meanwhile, the number of local governments that have distributed Salaries of 13 is 74 local governments or 13.65 percent of 542 local governments.