Hasto Regarding The Call Of The KPK: The One Who Founded Mrs. Mega, Kualat If She Didn't Come

Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto said he would fulfill the summons of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on Monday, June 10.While smiling, Hasto said he could pray if he was not present because the anti-corruption agency was founded by PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri while serving as 5th President.He made this statement when speaking during the commemoration of the birthday of the First President of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno or Bung Karno today, Thursday, June 6.“ It was the KPK that founded Mrs. Mega. Later, if I don't come, I will pray. Then come, Hasto said in an event held at the PDIP Party School, Lenteng Agung, Jakarta.Hasto admitted that he was ready to fulfill the call when his name was mentioned. In fact, before he received an invitation from the investigator."If necessary before the invitation comes, we are ready to come. That's what he meant, don't come first, ” he said with a laugh.The former member of the DPR RI said he would not ask to be escorted by the party. As during the examination at the Polda Metro Jaya some time ago, Hasto admitted that he would come to the KPK with his attorney." “ If it's a matter of motion down, well, that's just the mass, we move together. If it's a matter of (law, ed) like this, let it go yourself,” he said.As previously reported, the KPK said it would invite PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto as a witness on Monday, June 10. He will be questioned regarding the alleged bribery case of former PDIP candidate Harun Masiku, who is still at large.Meanwhile, Harun Masiku is a suspect in giving bribes to former KPU commissioner Wahyu Setiawan. This gift was given so that he could sit as a member of the DPR through interim shifts (PAW).
Now, the anti-corruption commission is speeding up the search for Harun Masiku after hearing new information. In fact, they have examined three witnesses who have family relations with the fugitive, including a lawyer named Simon Petrus.Harun has been on the wanted list (DPO) since January 29, 2020. Most recently, the KPK informed that the National Central Bureau (NCB) of Interpol Indonesia has been mener