Six Indonesian ITOs Become Judges At The 2024 Paris Olympics

A total of six International Technical Officials (ITO) from Indonesia will be judges at the 2024 Paris Olympics. The six of them came from six different sports.

They are KS Henry Indrayani Oka from shooting, Sonny Kasiran from weightlifting, Qomarul Lailiah from badminton, Pranarta Arumbowo from diving discipline, Herta Sekar Pandansari from tennis, and Boy Pohan from boxing.

"Not only athletes who qualify, but the referees of this jury will also be Indonesian ambassadors in the world's most prestigious multi-sport events," said Chairman of the Indonesian Olympic Committee (NOC Indonesia) Raja Sapta Oktohari.

The existence of Indonesian ITOs at the 2024 Paris Olympics is a form of consistency that has been carried out previously. At the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Indonesia sent eight ITOs from six sports.

The ITOs sent at that time were Wahyana, Muhammad Hatta and Qomarul Lailiah from badminton, Boy Arisa Pohan from boxing, Pranarta from diving, Henry Oka from shooting, Moelyono Soegito from equestrian, and Benjamin F. Tamaka from canoeing.

Okto hopes that sports, especially the Olympics, can focus on encouraging referees so that they can represent Indonesia in the next Olympics in the future.

"Just like athletes, it takes struggle and hard work to achieve it. Of course this is an achievement that should not be ignored by all of us," said Okto.

Okto also asked the jury referees who had appeared at the Olympics to form a forum that could accommodate aspirations and motivate other jury referees to represent Indonesia in various single events and international multi-events, especially the Olympics.

"There must be government interference here to provide support in order to motivate other referees to take on roles," he said.

Meanwhile, Henry Oka thanked NOC Indonesia for always placing the jury referee as three important pillars in Indonesian sports.

He mentioned that many messages were given by the General Chairperson of NOC Indonesia to the referee of the jury who will serve at the 2024 Paris Olympics.

"We from the jury hope to be part of the Indonesian contingent because later we will also be Indonesian ambassadors at the Olympics," said Henry.

Meanwhile, Sony Kasiran added that to get a judge's referee, the international level of his recruitment system had to be changed.

"The most important thing is English language skills and mastery of regulations. In addition, integrity is most important."

"In addition to flying hours and mastery of materials, how do we make decisions, at least we must be able to practice regulations in accordance with Olympism values," he said.