YouTube Tests AI-Based Background Maker Feature

JAKARTA Google updated the YouTube feature testing page on Monday, June 3. On the page, Google explained that YouTube is testing a feature to create a background, namely Dream Screen. Google explains that this Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based feature is added to YouTube Shorts, a special format for vertical videos from YouTube. With this feature, content creators can use a green screen as a background. This green background can be replaced with other backgrounds using AI assistance. According to Google's explanation, content creators only need to type their ideas into Google-made tools, then the background will change. It is not known exactly what background Google's AI can produce. However, citing from Android Police, it looks like this background-producing tool can create images, static animations, to videos.

For now, the Dream Screen experiment feature has just rolled out to several content creators on YouTube Shorts. Google plans to expand this feature to more content creators by the end of the year. How to Use Dream Screen Feature Dream Screen Feature or AI-based experimental tools to change backgrounds can only be used with English-language commands. Here's how to use the feature.