KPK Duga Procurement CCTV Bandung Smart City Disiasati And Hasilnya Dinikmati Para Tersangka

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) suspects that the procurement of surveillance cameras or CCTV for the Bandung Smart City program is occupied and the benefits are enjoyed by the suspects. This allegation was investigated by the former Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana.

Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri said Yana was questioned at the Sukamiskin Class I Prison in Bandung, West Java on Tuesday, June 4. On that occasion, investigators worked on two other people, namely the Bandung DPRD Tomtom Dabbul Qamar and former Head of BPKAD Bandung Herry Nurhayati.

"It was confirmed, among other things, related to the alleged agreement from the parties who were named as suspects in this case to deal with several budget items illegally so that they were enjoyed by various parties," Ali said in a written statement, Wednesday, June 5.

In addition, investigators also investigated the same information from five other witnesses. They are the Head of the TU BLUD Transportation Subdivision Ade Surya; Head of the General Subdivision and Personnel Mia Mayasari; Head of Control and Order Apep Muhammad Solehudin; Rini Januanti who is a housewife; and a private company named Hari Budiarto.

"(The examination, ed) is located at the PUPR Region IV Bandung Competency Development Center. The investigation team has finished examining witnesses," said Ali.

Previously reported, the KPK developed allegations of corruption related to the procurement of CCTV for the Bandung Smart City program. It is reported that there are suspects who have been named, namely the Regional Secretary of Bandung City, Ema Sumarna, who recently resigned.

Meanwhile, Yana Mulyana was also caught in this case and found guilty of receiving gratuities in the CCTV procurement project case at the Bandung City Transportation Service. He was sentenced to four years in prison and paid a fine of Rp. 200 million, a subsidiary of three months in prison.

The panel of judges stated that Yana Mulyana was proven to have received gratuities in the form of money and facilities to Thailand from Benny as Director of PT Sarana Mitra Adiguna (SMA), Andreas Guntoro as Vertical Slution Manager of PT SMA, and Sony Setiadi as Director of PT Citra Jelajah Informatika (CIFO).

In addition, he was also sentenced to an additional sentence in the form of revocation of the right to be elected in public office for two years after he finished serving his main sentence.