Chairman Of Commission V DPR Sentil Ministry Of PUPR Regarding SPM On Toll Roads, Why?

JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission V DPR Lasarus said, Minimum Service Standards (SPM) on toll roads are still not optimal during the momentum of the 2024 Eid homecoming and return flow. As a result, accidents occur on toll roads.

"Pak Sekjen (Ministry of PUPR) kami minta dengan tegas untuk SPM jalan tol (dioptimalkan). Karena yang menjadi sangat dizzi headnya di sini adalah Pak Korlantas. Kalau kecelakaan meningkat pasti harus ada Pak Korlantas di sana," ujar Lasarus saat Rapat Kerja (Raker) Komisi V DPR RI bersama Menteri PUPR, Menteri Perhubungan, Kepala BMKG dan Kepala BNPB membahas Evaluasi Pelaksanakan Infrastruktur dan Transport pada Arus Mudik dan Balik Lebaran 2024 di Gedung DPR RI, Jakarta, Rabu, 5 Juni.

"Then, if the SPM is not fulfilled and the result of the failure of this SPM also results in an accident," he continued.

Lasarus assessed that this was a recurring thing that his party continued to discuss with the government. However, it can't be resolved either.

"I think this is also something we repeatedly remind us, but we can never finish it," he said.

Therefore, he also asked the Ministry of PUPR to conduct an audit of all toll road operators.

"It is better for all toll road operators to be audited, sir. Just audited and delivered openly to us. So, we have materials to oversee this toll road, where the toll road segment managed by whose SPM has been fulfilled and which has not been fulfilled," he said.

According to Lasarus, the agenda of work meetings and hearings that have been held so far will be useless because the same thing is still repeated.

"Yes, if we meet every year about this and this is never finished, it means that sir is not considered. Why do we meet here, even though every time we have a meeting to prepare and evaluate we always convey it," he said.

"Finally, because there is no reward and punishment is considered normal, 'ah, the important thing is to attend the meeting, it will also be finished later'. How about Mr. Mul? It's just finished," Lasarus mine.

With the audit, said Lasarus, later Commission V of the DPR RI can conduct field inspections as an implementation of the supervisory function which is the task of the Basic Law (UUD).

"So, don't disturb anyone, sir, if we carry out surveillance, that's the law's order. It's the same with when you carry out your duties in accordance with the orders of the law. Check and balance," he added.