Judge Targeted About Presidential Election Donation, Sahroni NasDem Receives Maximum Response Of IDR 1 Billion
JAKARTA - Chief Justice Rianto Adam Pontoh questioned the General Treasurer of the NasDem Party, Ahmad Sahroni, about whether or not there was a limit on donations to parties for Presidential Election (Pipres) activities.The disbursement began when Sharoni was asked to explain about the mechanism for receiving donations by the NasDem Party."Such a mechanism is carried out when usually on the choice of His Majesty's president," said Sahroni during a trial at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, June 5."Pileg?" asked Judge Rianto to confirm."It's not the Legislative Election, Your Honor's Presidential Election," said Sahroni.Then, Sahroni said that every donation that enters the party related to the presidential election is always recorded neatly. Because, there is a maximum limit or amount of donations of IDR 1 billion."And is there any narrative?" asked Judge Rianro."There is Your Majesty," answered Sahroni."Is there a limit for people to donate to the party?" asked Judge Rianto asserted."If there is an activity of the president's choice, there is Yabg Mulia," answered Sahroni."At least how much is this?" said Judge Rianto."Rp1 billion, Your Majesty," said Sahroni.Sahroni said the limit for donations to parties for presidential election activities was a maximum of IDR 1 billion. This is a provision or arrangement from the General Elections Commission (KPU)."So if there are people who are donated Rp. 1 billion, it is still reasonable to accept it?" asked Judge Rianto.
"Because according to KPU regulations there is a His Majesty," said Sahroni."If it's more than Rp. 1 billion?" asked Judge Rianto."It's not allowed, Your Majesty," replied Sahroni."So you have to report it?" said Judge Rianto confirmed."It is mandatory to report," said Sahroni."So the limit is more than Rp. 1 billion than that, can't it?" said Judge Rianto."It's not allowed," said Sahroni.