Climeworks Develops Cheaper Third Generation Carbon Screening Technology

JAKARTA CLimeworks, a carbon dioxide filtering company, will create a next-generation carbon filtering plant. This plant will use Generation 3. Exhibited at the annual Carbon Deletion Conference which is being held in Zurich, Climeworks wants to show that Generation 3 Technology is important against climate change. This technology can capture more carbon at a less cost. The company explains that Generation 3 Technology has a larger carbon dioxide capture capacity compared to the previous generation, reduces half of energy consumption, and cuts costs by up to 50 percent. "(This new structure) captures twice as much carbon dioxide as previous filters. The new filter material consumes half energy and is designed to last three times longer than the previous material," explained Climeworks. Generation 3 technology began to be tested on a small and medium scale in Zurich and will be refined before being tested at large-scale facilities. Testing of this technology was carried out by a Research and Development team consisting of 180 people.

"These specialists collected 15,000 hours of testing new absorbing materials and run a 5,000 carbon capture and release cycle," explains Climeworks. "(we) changed the concept of the collector from a traditional stacked collector container to a sleek modular cube." If it was completed tested in a large-scale facility, this technology would be added to the first plant in Louisiana. As part of the Project Cypress DAC Hub, the plant will be built in 2026 using funds from the US Department of Energy.