Bambang Susantono Resigns Because The Archipelago IKN Megaproject Is Not Focused On The Target?

JAKARTA The resignation of the Head of the State Capital Authority (OIKN) Bambang Susantono and his deputy, Dhony Rahajoe, has questioned the future of the new capital city. The background of the resignation of the two is still unclear, but some experts say this has a negative impact on the continuation of investment in the new capital city.

"The head of OIKN made the project's sustainability a question mark, and it needs to be observed that incoming investors are also doubtful, both domestic and foreign investors," said Director of the Center of Economic and Law Studies (Celios) Bhima Yudhistira when contacted by VOI.

When the news of Bambang Susantono and Dhony Rahajoe's resignation came out, this sparked confusion in the community. Most of the public was wondering about the reason Bambang cs resigned. Since the beginning of the unrest, the palace did not answer.

"What is the real problem so that the Head of OIKN resigns? Is there pressure or is carrying out tasks that are not easy to do, including the large number of investors who have not realized their investments, just a charter of intend," explained Bhima.

Minister of State Secretary Pratikno said that both Bambang and Dhony did not include the reasons for resigning in the letter they sent to President Jokowi.

But before this, Bambang Susantono had vented that his salary was late for 11 months when he was still the Head of OIKN. He made this statement during a Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission II of the DPR at the DPR Building, Jakarta, on April 3, 2023.

Responding to the news, the Special Staff of the Minister of Finance for Strategic Communications Yustinus Prastowo confirmed that Bambang and Dhony's salaries had been paid. This payment includes a report on salaries that had been delayed by payment.

The implementation of IKN development is carried out in five stages, according to the IKN Law, which will take place from 2022 to 2045. IKN development is one of the strategic priority projects listed in the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN). But from the start, IKN development encountered various obstacles.

Starting from the funding problem, which is said to require Rp466 trillion as stated in the 2020-2024 RPJMN, to land acquisition. Bambang and Dhony's resignation, which was not accompanied by a clear reason, is believed to only add to the chaos of the IKN problem.

In the midst of these questions, the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) released the results of the examination of the government regarding the construction of IKN Nusantara in the Semester Examination Results (HIS) Sementer II/2023 document. BPK explained that there were at least four problems in the construction of IKN.

First, BPK sees that the ongoing infrastructure development is not fully in line with the 2020-2024 RPJMN, the 2020-2024 PUPR Ministry Strategic Plan (Renstra), and the IKN Main Plan.

Meanwhile, funding planning is not yet fully adequate, alternative funding sources other than the APBN in the form of PPP and purely private/BUMN/BUMD have not been implemented.

Second, the mechanism for releasing forest areas is still one of the biggest obstacles in IKN development.

2,085.62 hectares of 36,150 hectares of land are still under the control of other parties because land management rights [HPL] have not been issued, and the certification process for the five land acquisition areas has not been completed," BPK wrote in the document.

This is in line with the report of the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) some time ago, which stated that around 2,086 hectares of land were still inhabited by the local community so that their status was not yet clear. They are still waiting for the process of changing people's losses.

Now the land issue at IKN will be the main work of Plt. Head of OIKN Basuki Hadimuljono and his deputy, Raja Juli Antoni.

Third, the implementation of supply chain management and construction equipment for the construction of Phase IKN I infrastructure is also not optimal. BPK noted that the lack of material supply, material market prices, inadequate loading and unloading ports, and lack of water supply were obstacles.

Finally, the Ministry of PUPR does not yet fully have a plan to hand over assets, an operational budget allocation plan, as well as an asset maintenance and management mechanism from the results of the IKN Phase I infrastructure development.

After being left by Bambang Susantono and Dhony Rahajoe, Jokowi transferred the responsibility to the Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono. However, Trisakti University City Administration observer Nirwono Yoga said the government should have been able to detain Bambang and Dhony from delaying their resignation.

The reason is, President Jokowi has the closest target of holding the 79th independence ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia at IKN on August 17, 2024. Nirwono admits that this news can be seen as negative for investors. In addition, he also believes this will make investors take a stand-up and at least until the new government of Prabowo Subianto is formed.

According to Nirwono, currently the realistic thing that the government can do, especially Plt. OIKN Head Basuki is the focus on completing basic city infrastructure given the short-term target for the August 17 ceremony.

He also asked Basuki not to be burdened with the task of solving investment and land problems, because these two things are not included in his domain.

"What I think must be ensured is that it is more realistic, we leave the investment, then we hold the land, focus until October the basic infrastructure is completed first," explained Nirwono.

He added, after the short-term target is completed, we will rethink how the investment will continue, because like it or not, investment and land problems can be postponed.

"It's not an urgency for the current conditions, so first clean up the basic infrastructure because this is a ceremony on August 17," he concluded.