Regarding The Progress Of The DKI Gubernatorial Election, Kaesang: Wait For The Surprise In August

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Kaesang Pangarep opened his voice about his opportunity to run in the 2024 DKI Jakarta gubernatorial and deputy governor election (Pilgub).

Kaesang admitted that he had not officially decided whether to run for the DKI Jakarta Pilkada. He will announce this when approaching the registration day for regional head candidates at the KPU.

"If you ask me whether I will go forward or not, I will wait for the surprise in August," said Kaesang when met at the PSI DPP office, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, June 4.

In the 2024 DKI Jakarta DPRD legislative election, PSI obtained 8 legislative seats. Thus, PSI needs other political parties to form a coalition, at least getting at least 22 seats to carry its cagubs. This is also a consideration for Kaesang.

"So if we look at it, PSI should be able to nominate governors and deputy governors, although they still have to form a coalition with other parties," said Kaesang.

Kaesang also responded to the results of the Supreme Court (MA) decision which changed the age requirements for regional head candidates. The decision made way for Kaesang, who will only be 30 years old in December.

From this decision, the Supreme Court has changed the conditions that were initially cagub and cawagub at least 30 years old as of the nomination, to after the inauguration.

On that basis, the Supreme Court asked the KPU to revoke Article 4 Paragraph (1) letter d of KPU Regulation (PKPU) Number 9 concerning the Candidacy for the Election of Governors and Deputy Governors, Regents and Deputy Regents, and/or Mayors and Deputy Mayors.

Related to this, Kaesang admitted that he would still wait for the PKPU revision before the registration period for regional head candidates took place.

"Kalau lihat dari peraturan yang kemarin diubah di MA saya memungkinkan untuk maju, tapi itu kan belum masuk ke PKPU. Saya enggak tahu prosesnya bagaimana, masuknya dari PKPU sendiri apakah harus disikasi dulu dengan DPR atau tidak, itu kan saya tidak tahu karena saya tidak ikut-ikut," imbuhnya.