Pegadaian Fights For An Inclusive Future Through The Gade Women Community Center Activation

PT Pegadaian Kanwil X Bandung carried out the activation of The Gade Women Community Center located in the Pegadaian Cimahi Branch area as a tangible manifestation of the company's commitment to supporting the Class Rising MSME Program. This event was attended by 30 participants from the MSME assisted by PT Pegadaian Kanwil X Bandung, marking Pegadaian's strong commitment to empowering women entrepreneurs through business development and capacity building.

This activity is in line with TPB number 5, namely gender equality by empowering all women. By providing training, resources, and support that is important for women entrepreneurs, Pegadaian not only encourages economic growth but also ensures that women have equal opportunities to achieve success in the business world.

"We are proud to be able to contribute to the achievement of an inclusive future in Indonesia through various women empowerment initiatives. Pegadaian always strives to become a reliable partner for women entrepreneurs in every step of their journey towards success," said Rully Yusuf, Head of the Social and Environmental Responsibility Division of PT Pegadaian, in his statement, Tuesday, June 4.

The Gade Women Community Center is present as a comprehensive ecosystem for empowering women entrepreneurs. Female entrepreneurs are given entrepreneurial mindset training aimed at building a resilient, disciplined, and focused on the goal of becoming successful entrepreneurs. In addition, they are also equipped with online marketing strategies and techniques, digital financial management, and the use of technology to develop their business.

Suhadi, Deputy Business Area of Bandung I PT Pegadaian said that Indonesian women are an important pillar in the development of the nation and Pegadaian believes that women have extraordinary potential to become leaders in the business world. The Gade Women Community Center is a clear proof of Pegadaian's commitment to supporting women entrepreneurs to achieve success through the development of mindsets and digital businesses.

Furthermore, the participants will get an understanding and guidance on the importance of business legality and how to manage it. Participants will also be guided in formulating targeted and measurable business strategies and plans to achieve the desired targets.

Information and capital opportunities that are in accordance with business needs will also be provided, as well as opportunities to network with fellow female entrepreneurs to share experiences, information, and new opportunities.

With full support from PT Pegadaian and the spirit of never giving up from women entrepreneurs, a bright future awaits ahead. The Gade Women Community Center is clear evidence that PT Pegadaian is always present as a loyal partner on the journey of women Indonesian entrepreneurs towards the peak of success.