3.651 Employees Of The Ministry Of Trade Receive Phase I Vaccination, The Minister Of Trade: So That They Work Enthusiastically

JAKARTA - The Minister of Trade (Mendag) Muhammad Lutfi reviewed the course of the third day of the COVID-19 vaccination as well as the last day of phase I vaccination for Ministry of Trade employees, Saturday, March 13 in Jakarta. The Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin also attended the review.

"We are grateful to the Minister of Health and the staff of the Ministry of Health who have worked hard and made the implementation of vaccinations. This effort provides support for the Ministry of Trade employees to work enthusiastically and fight the pandemic", he said.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Trade will prepare to carry out the phase II vaccination which is scheduled for March 25-27, 2021, or 14 days after the first vaccination.

Meanwhile, Minister of Health Budi said that all ministries and institutions are currently undergoing the vaccination process. Apart from health workers and the elderly population, employees in the public service sector are also the group that has received the government's main attention to be given the COVID-19 vaccine.

On the same occasion, the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Trade, Suhanto, said that vaccinating Ministry of Trade employees will greatly help improve the quality of public services.

Suhanto ensured that public services at the Ministry of Trade during the pandemic would continue to run by implementing health protocols. For example, the implementation of shifts for employees, the obligation to wear masks, and the obligation to show antigen documents for visitors.

"The implementation of good health protocols supports the quality of the Ministry of Trade's public services during the pandemic and ensures the safety of both employees and visitors. Even though we regulate the working shifts for employees, community services are still running", said Suhanto.

Until today, there are 3.651 Ministry of Trade employees who have participated in the first phase of vaccination, which is divided into 3 days, namely March 11 to March 13, 2021.