BPK Claims To Save State Money Up To IDR 136.88 Trillion In The Last 18 Years

JAKARTA - The National Audit Agency (BPK) has succeeded in saving state money and assets amounting to Rp136.88 trillion based on the results of the examination from 2005 to 2023.

Chairman of BPK Isma Yatun conveyed that the rescue of the state's money and assets was in the form of handing over assets and/or depositing money to the state or regional or company treasury for the results of the 2005-2023 examination.

"The results of the 2005 to 2023 examination amounted to Rp136.88 trillion, of which Rp21.87 trillion was based on the results of the examination for the period RPJMN 2020 to 2023," said Isma when delivering the results of the Semester Examination Results (IHPS) II 2023, Tuesday, June 4.

In addition, Isma conveyed that in the IHPS II 2023 it also revealed the results of monitoring the implementation of the follow-up to the BPK recommendation from 2005 to 2023, with the follow-up being in accordance with recommendations of 78.2 percent.

Meanwhile, for the results of the examination in the period RPJMN 2020 to 2023, the follow-up that has been in accordance with the recommendation has only reached 52.9 percent.

Then, the IHPS II of 2023 contains a summary of 651 examination report results (LHP), consisting of one Financial LHP, 288 Performance LHP, and 362 LHP with Certain Purposes (DTT). This IHPS also contains the results of the thematic examination of two national priorities (PN), namely regional development and mental revolution and cultural development.

Meanwhile, IHPS II in 2023 also contains one of the results of an examination that shows problems, including the examination of the effectiveness of protecting Indonesian citizens and cooperation in efforts to eradicate the Crime of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO).

Then, the cooperation agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and countries in Southeast Asia has not covered an increase in the capacity to handle TIP victims, in the examination of mitigation action performance and climate change adaptation.

As well as fulfilling the obligations of business licensing and environmental approval holders, it was found that there was an inconsistency in the regulations for managing the collection of carbon trading PNBPs, and the obligations of business licensing holders for forest utilization that had not been fulfilled.