The Minister Of Communication And Information Calls The Presence Of The Social Media Council For Child Online Protection

JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi stated that the existence of the Social Media Council will assist the Government in protecting children from violence or bullying in the digital space.

For information, the establishment of the Social Media Council is a recommendation of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in increasing child protection in the digital space.

"We want to protect children in the digital space, there is a child online protection or child protection in the digital space," said Minister of Communication and Information Budi, quoted on Tuesday, June 4.

According to Budi, the formation of DMS is in accordance with the Government's commitment to implement Law Number 1 of 2024 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions.

Although until now Budi admits that the government has not taken steps forward in establishing the Social Media Council, he emphasized that this plan is not just an idea.

"This Social Media Council is not an arbitrary idea from the side of the road or coffee or people running. This Social Media Council is a recommendation from UNESCO, where the proposal was submitted to us and even the 160-page academic paper," he said.

According to Budi, the Government is currently considering the policy plan for the formation of the Social Media Council. To be sure, he stressed, the Social Media Council will have independent principles like the Press Council.

Therefore, Budi asked the public not to misinterpret this discussion, and emphasized that it is impossible for the Social Media Council to limit the freedom of public opinion on social media platforms.

"So that you don't get the wrong idea, twist it again, the Government oversees social media? No! This is what the international organization recommends, UNESCO. Later I will give the draft UNESCO if you want the academic paper," he said.