The House Of Representatives Wants IKN Development Not To Be Disturbed After The Head Of The Authority Replaces

JAKARTA - Commission II of the House of Representatives warned not to let the construction of the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) in East Kalimantan be disrupted after the resignation of two leaders of the IKN Authority. Member of Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives Guspardi Gaus admitted that he was surprised to hear Bambang Susantono resign as Head of the Capital Authority of the Archipelago (IKN).

According to him, do not let the news of the resignation of the IKN head along with his representative create various perceptions in the community.

"Frankly, this news is very surprising. Moreover, the chairperson and Deputy OIKN resigned at the same time. Why are they resigning simultaneously?," said Guspardi, Monday, June 3.

As a partner of Commission II, Guspardi assessed that the OIKN led by the duet of Bambang and Dhony Rahajoe were quite agile and good at carrying out their duties.

"However, the resignation of Mr. Bambang and Mr. Dony should not disturb the acceleration of development in the capital city of the archipelago," said the West Sumatra electoral district legislator.

Although the President has appointed PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono and Deputy Minister of ATR/BPN Raja Juli Antoni as Acting heads of OIKN and representatives, Commission II of the DPR hopes that the government will immediately appoint definitive leaders. "It is hoped that the government will immediately appoint and determine the chairman and deputy of OIKN definitively," concluded the member of the Legislative Council of the Republic of Indonesia.

It is known that the Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority (IKN) Bambang Susantono and deputy Donny Raharjoe compactly resigned to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). The chairman officially resigned after sending a letter to the president some time ago.

Minister of State Secretary (Mensesneg) Pratikno announced the Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono and Deputy Minister of ATR/BPN Raja Juli Antoni to be the Acting Head and Deputy Head of the IKN Authority. Both replace Bambang Susantono and Donny Rahajoe who resigned.

"Today, the Presidential Decree has issued a honorable dismissal of Mr. Bambang Susantono as Head of the IKN Authority and Mr. Donny Rahajoe as Deputy Head of the IKN Authority with thanks for his services," said Pratikno, quoted from the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube, Monday, June 3.

"At the same time, the President appointed the Minister of PUPR, Mr. Basuki, as the Acting Head of the IKN Authority and appointed the Deputy Minister of ATR/BPN as Deputy Head of the IKN Authority," he continued.