Hasto Soal Putusan MA Terkait Batas Usia Kepala Daerah 30 Tahun Saat Dilantik: Ujung-akhirnya Nepotisme

The Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto said that the Supreme Court's (MA) decision regarding the age limit for regional head candidates would inevitably lead to nepotism.

Initially, Hasto said that the Supreme Court's decision was far from an effort to encourage young people to become leaders. Because, this rule should all allow young people aged 25 years to run as candidates for regional heads.

"If (the reason, red) is youth leadership, why not all 25 years (if it is, red) based on empirical facts in a developed democratic country," Hasto told reporters in the Depok area, Monday, June 3.

Hasto also mentioned the interests of the Supreme Court's decision. In fact, it is not impossible for nepotism to occur.

"This shows an interest so that what has been changed is 30 years when it is inaugurated. This is an abuse of power authority by using the law," he said.

"And in the end, this nepotism must be corrected and the campus understands the truth in making corrections to this power deviation," continued Hasto.

As previously reported, the Supreme Court (MA) granted a judicial review request from the Garuda Party regarding the minimum age limit for regional head candidates. The decision is contained in Decision Number 23 P/HUM/2024 which was decided by the Supreme Court Panel of Judges on Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

"Granted the application for objection to the judicial rights of the Petitioner of the Garuda Republic of Indonesia Party (Garuda Party)," reads the verdict quoted from the official website of the Supreme Court in Jakarta, Thursday.

In the decision, the Supreme Court stated that Article 4 paragraph (1) letter d of the Indonesian KPU Regulation (PKPU) Number 9 of 2020 concerning the nomination of the election of governors and deputy governors, regents and deputy regents, and/or mayors and deputy mayors contrary to higher laws and regulations, namely Law (UU) Number 10 of 2016.

The Supreme Court also stated that the article in the PKPU does not have legal force as long as it is not interpreted that it is at its lowest 30 ( thirty) years old for candidates for governor and deputy governor and 25 (twenty five) years for candidates for regent and deputy regent or candidate for mayor and deputy mayor since the pair of candidates were elected.