PPDB 2024, Council Encourages New Student Acceptance To Be More Fair And Proportional

BOGOR - Chairman of the Bogor City DPRD, Atang Trisnanto together with the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) attended the Kick Off of New Student Admissions (PPDB) of Bogor City in 2024 which was held at Paseban Sri Bima, Bogor City Hall, at the end of May.

This year's kick off PPDB was marked by the signing of an integrity pact for the Head of the Bogor City Education Office together with all Heads of SDN and Heads of SMPN throughout Bogor City. All ranks of Forkopimda such as the Acting Mayor, Chairman of the DPRD, Dandim, Kapolresta, Kajari, Chairman of the District Court, and Dandenpom also added commitment support for the implementation of transparent and accountable PPDB.

On this occasion, Atang conveyed several inputs from the Bogor City DPRD so that PPDB would be more fair and proportional, considering that the position of State Junior High Schools in Bogor City was mostly in the middle of the city.

There is a need to recalculate the portion of student admissions based on the zoning route. The percentage distribution of student admissions based on the seven existing zonings must be more proportional. Because we still see that zoning 1 for quota is too large, so with more Bogor City public junior high schools in the city center, opportunities from residents in the suburbs are smaller than in the city. This is unfair in terms of citizen rights," explained Atang in his statement.

Previously, through an evaluation of the implementation of PPDB in 2023, Commission IV of the DPRD also noted that the zoning route quota should be reduced and could increase the affirmation and achievement route. In 2024, the zoning route will be 50% compared to last year's 55%.

Furthermore, Atang also said that the presentation of the PPDB route could be reviewed for next year. Distribution of percentages based on zoning, affirmation, achievement, disability, transfer of parental duties, and others must be more proportional.

This is considered to be a way to absorb more students whose areas are still minimal public schools, such as residents in South Bogor District, East Bogor District and North Bogor District, while waiting for the completion of the construction of a new one-stop school.

"The Ministry of Education and Culture should evaluate the problems that occur when PPDB uses the zoning route. I think if this is made evenly distributed, for example, zoning a maximum of 20-30 percent, which was an achievement, affirmation because it was unable, disabled, extreme poverty, transfer of parental duties, and others can be proportionally accommodated all," said Atang.

On this occasion, Atang also conveyed the need for equitable distribution of the quality of educators in student units. He provides input that teachers should be placed according to their domicile, so that there are no more placements of teachers in certain schools just because of the achievement factors that cause inequality in the quality of educators.

"With the distribution of teachers in accordance with domicile, of course there will be equity in terms of teacher capacity and school management or managerial. With that, automatically all schools will grow to become all outstanding schools," said Atang.

Finally, Atang emphasized that the Bogor City DPRD will contribute to monitoring the implementation of PPDB in Bogor City. Atang revealed that the Bogor City DPRD through Commission IV is ready to accept and follow up on complaints from the public if there are allegations of fraud in the 2024 PPDB.

"God willing, we are ready to receive complaints from the public, if we find any irregularities or violations of the existing PPDB regulations. These include, for example, levies, bribes and so on. I think Bogor City residents are welcome to jointly monitor and supervise the PPDB process in accordance with applicable regulations," he concluded.