Diet Is Important, But Recognize 8 Signs You're Lack Of Food

YOGYAKARTA Lack of food can have a negative effect on a person's health and well-being. In addition to being thin, the body mass index (BMI) is an indicator that shows healthy and unhealthy weight. Usually, BMI is under 18.5 considered thin and weight loss related to osteoporosis, fracture, infertility, development problems, weak immune system, malnutrition, increased risk of surgical complications, anemia, and chronic fatigue.

A person may have different reasons why they don't eat. It could be because of a strict diet so that it deliberately limits food intake. In other cases, a person may eat less because of eating disorders without realizing it. For example, due to abnormal high metabolism or high physical activity so that eating enough still does not meet his body's needs. It can also not be enough to eat because of stress or because of a traumatic event. Here are signs of lack of food that need to be recognized.

One of the most obvious symptoms, lack of food causes a person to feel exhausted continuously. This is because the body does not get enough calories as energy. So you can't do activities, think actively, your body doesn't work well, and your performance is poor.

Lack of food causes the body to not get enough nutrition. It also affects the immune system and resistance to disease. This means that lack of food also causes easy pain, such as flu and will last longer than it should.

Lack of food can cause hair to fall out, the reason is the same as the previous sign, namely due to lack of nutrients. Launching Medical News Today, Sunday, June 2, experts state that lack of protein, minerals, essential fatty acids, and vitamins can cause hair to fall out. In addition, it also experiences changes in color and hair structure.

When the body does not receive sufficient nutrition, the body will automatically prioritize which processes must be maintained. Such as the process of breathing and blood circulation that supports life. As a result, the production of sex hormones can be disrupted so that it can reduce a person's desire to engage in sexual activity and can interfere with the reproductive process.

Healthy body temperature is regulated by the body when getting sufficient calorie levels. But if you consume too little calories, it can cause the body's core temperature to drop, so the body feels cold constantly.

Good nutrition is important for the development of the younger generation. So if you don't eat, cause the nutritional imbalance the body needs in development, such as healthy bone growth. Duringturbation, adequate nutrition is also important for bones, to strengthen and be solid. Without this, one may have permanent weak bones compared to people who get enough nutrition.

Skin problems are another sign that a person may lack food. If the body does not get sufficient nutrition, such as vitamin E, it can trigger skin problems. Without sufficient vitamin E, a person's skin will be more easily damaged by inflammation or UV exposure. Other vitamins needed to maintain skin health include vitamin B-3 and niasine.

Eating too little calories can also cause constipation. People with constipation experience less defecation than other people. They may also have tougher grades that make it difficult or painful to remove. When a person lacks food, his body has less food to turn into secenary, which can cause constipation. Convolutedity tends to mean defecating less than three times a week.

If possible, the most effective way for someone to cope with less eating is to increase the amount of calories consumed. However, it is important to do so in a healthy way. For example, choosing a calorie source from complex carbohydrates such as nuts and seeds. This includes consuming more vegetables and fruits.