Bali Ensures 100 Percent Of Extreme Poor Students Can Get State Schools

JAKARTA - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of Bali in the 2024 New Student Admission process (PPDB) ensures that 100 percent of poor extremes, orphans and disabilities pass and get public schools.

"We will receive one hundred percent of those who are underprivileged, extreme poor, disabled, or orphans," said Head of the Bali Education, Youth and Sports Office (Diskdikpora) KN Boy Jayawibawa in Denpasar, quoted from Antara, Saturday, June 1.

Boy said that prospective students who register themselves in the category of extreme poor, disabled, or orphans, can take part in the PPDB 2024 affirmation route.

"What has changed is the affirmation route, according to the direction of the Acting Governor, the affirmation for extreme poverty is emphasized this year, if previously there was a quota, now as long as he can show affirmative students, 100 percent will be accepted," he said.

Disdikpora Bali will open PPDB 2024 starting June 19, with the first route, namely affirmation, later prospective students will be asked to show a smart Indonesia card or a prosperous Indonesia card.

Next, when the committee doubts to pass the prospective affirmation student, a verification process will be carried out by going directly to the house of the prospective student.

Boy memastikan pihaknya sudah siap menjalani proses PPDB tahun ini, dimana telah ditempatkan petugas yang komplemen di posko kantor dinas maupun unit pendidikan.

This year, Bali in addition to opening affirmation channels as well as zoning routes, transfer of parents, and achievements, with the number of students to be accepted in high school/vocational schools being 50 thousand.

Disdikpora Bali realizes that the number of junior high school graduates this year is around 65 thousand students, so he recommends that those who do not pass public schools can choose private schools because they have the same quality.