Palestinian Defense Action In Front Of US Embassy, 1,220 Police On Alert

JAKARTA - A number of people held solidarity actions against Palestine in front of the United States Embassy Building (Kedubes) today. Regarding security, around 1,220 police personnel were deployed.

"In order to secure the Palestinian defense action at the United States Embassy, we deployed 1,220 personnel," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Chondro to reporters, Saturday, June 1.

Thousands of personnel are placed at mapped points. They will ensure that the expressing of opinion in public is peaceful and safe.

In the traffic sector, Susatyo said that he had prepared a traffic engineering scheme. However, the implementation sees conditions on the ground or situational.

This means that the traffic engineering scheme will only be implemented if it is deemed necessary

"If the escalation increases, we will close Jalan Merdeka Selatan and we will divert the flow of traffic," he said.

In addition, Susatyo also appealed to all mass actions to obey the rules. Thus, other people are not disturbed by expressing opinions.

"We urge anyone who will express their opinion as regulated in the law on expressing opinions, of course, must pay attention to other community rights," said Susatyo.