People's Purchasing Power For Low Manufacturing Products, Losing To Malaysia And Thailand

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) said that the purchasing power of the Indonesian people for a number of manufactured products is still inferior to other countries, especially in Southeast Asia.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Industry Febri Hendri Antoni Arif explained that the purchasing power of Indonesians for ceramic products is lower than the world's average.

"Gap consumption per capita means how much, really, the purchasing power of the Indonesian people for manufacturing products compared to other countries or the world level. For this ceramic product, every Indonesian spends its money for 2.2 square meters per capita per person. The average world is 2.5 square meters," he said as quoted from the Ministry of Industry's YouTube in the release of May 2024, Friday, May 31.

Then the consumer gap for car products, Indonesia is also still far behind Malaysia and Thailand. Febri said, out of 1,000 Indonesians, only 99 cars were able to be bought by the public.

Meanwhile, for Thailand, there are 240 cars per 1,000 people and Malaysia 450 cars per 1,000 people.

Febri said, the gap consumption ratio for cars is very low.

"Likewise with cars, Indonesia has only 99 cars owned by 99 of the 1,000 people. If we look at Thailand, for example, in 1,000 people there are 240 cars. Malaysia among 1,000 residents, who owns the car is 450. It looks like a low gap of consumption per capita for cars," he said.

Next is a hair product cosmetic product. The consumption of the Indonesian people is recorded at only half consumption from Thailand.

"For hair products, only half of Thailand's consumption. If Indonesians have the same consumption as Thailand, there are many Indonesian cosmetic needs that can be filled with manufactured products," he said.

"The question is, which fills the gap, said the Minister (Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita) who fills the gap, which manufacturing industry? The foreign or domestic manufacturing industry," he continued.

According to Febri, this is the core of the work of the Ministry of Industry and the upcoming cabinet. "That there is a gap of consumption per capita Indonesia that can be filled by domestic manufacturing products," he added.