Repair Of 10 Damaged Roads In Riau Expenditures IDR 369 Billion Budget

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated 10 roads in Riau Province which were carried out through the Regional Road Inpres (IJD), Friday, May 31.

"The regional road inpres in Riau has been completed and 10 63 kilometers (km) of roads have been repaired and spent a budget of IDR 369 billion," said Jokowi.

Adapun 10 ruas jalan daerah di 8 kabupaten/kota Riau yang ditangani melalui IJD tahun anggaran 2023, yaitu ruas Teluk Puluhi (Kubu)-Bts Sumut di Kabupaten Rokan Hilir, Simpang Batang-Lubuk Gaung di Kota Dumai, Batu Panjang-Pangkalan Nyirih di Kabupaten Bengkalis, Lingkar Ujung Batu-Rokan di Kabupaten Rokan Hulu, Simpang Pemda-Pelabuhan Pelindo di Kabupaten Siak.

Then, Simpang Bunut-Teluk Meranti, Ukui-Kapou, Simpang 2-Lubuk Kembang Bunga in Pelalawan Regency, Baseh-Perhentikan Extensively in Kuantan Singingi Regency and Folding West Sumatra Fabrics in Kampar City.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Riau National Road Implementation Agency (BPJN) Yohanis Tulak Todingrara explained, the condition of regional roads in Riau was varied, some were still in the form of land roads and had been violent but were damaged.

"We handle everything again, some are paved and use concrete rigids. Everything is of course to support connectivity, so that it can reduce the burden of logistics costs for the distribution of agricultural and plantation products produced by the people of Riau," he said.

It is known that the Regional Road Instruction program will still run this year. The central government has prepared a total of IDR 15 trillion for regional road repairs in all provinces.