Prioritize ESG And Circular Economy, Pupuk Kaltim Wins Three CSR Award TOP CSR Award 2024
JAKARTA - Optimizing the contribution and governance of the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program through a series of initiations with benefits in the community, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Pupuk Kaltim) won three awards at the TOP CSR Award 2024 event held by TOP Business Magazine. The award was received by the President Director of Pupuk Kaltim Budi Wahju Soesilo in Jakarta, Wednesday, May 29.
Three awards have been won this year by Pupuk Kaltim including the TOP CSR Award on 5 Stars with the Exelen level as the highest predicate, TOP Leader on CSR Commitment for the President Director of Pupuk Kaltim, as well as the Special Category award for the PKT Bisa program through the idea of Integrated Compos Agriculture.
All of these awards review the role of Pupuk Kaltim which is considered capable of optimally implementing the company's TJSL program, especially in encouraging the realization of community independence and sustainability with a number of assessment criteria. Starting from the alignment of the TJSL initiative towards the company's business strategy, the level of TJSL policy adoption of ISO 26000 Social Responsibility, to the governance system of each program realized.
"The ISO 22000 standard is one of the strategies for implementing the TJSL Pupuk Kaltim which is developed in accordance with the principles of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG), to create benefits together by providing added value for the community," said Soesilo, in his statement, Friday, May 31.
He explained that the implementation of TJSL Pupuk Kaltim is aimed at encouraging strategic partnerships as well as economic independence, in supporting sustainable development (Sustainability Development) which is designed in a structured manner to maintain the sustainability of people's businesses in the long term. This is measured by the continuity of assistance to achieve program targets, with the final goal of realizing a strong and independent society through empowerment in various sectors.
This step is also in line with the mandate of the Ministry of SOEs and Pupuk Indonesia, so that the TJSL innovations carried out are able to provide benefits for economic, social and environmental development, as well as legal development and governance for companies. In addition to contributing to the creation of added value for companies through integrated principles, focusing on three priority fields, namely Education, Environment and MSME Development.
"This is what Pupuk Kaltim describes through a series of benefit programs that continue to be developed from year to year," added Soesilo.
One of these steps can be seen from the PKT Bisa program, which prioritizes environmental aspects and sustainability to optimize agricultural productivity through the use of compost to support the support of community agricultural land. This integrated program, which is located in Babadan Hamlet, Magetan Regency, East Java, integrates farmer groups, livestock, fisheries, MSMEs and cooperatives into large groups under the name Babadan Makmur.
This program carries the innovation of a circular economic system, with the main aim of utilizing agricultural waste, livestock and households to become compost products that are processed using Biodex, as one of the biological products of Pupuk Kaltim. The results of the integration of this program also show that agricultural productivity is getting boosted, including the carrying capacity of land with the use of more environmentally friendly organic fertilizers as an effort to encourage sustainability.
"The PKT innovation program can be designed to encourage community empowerment, by focusing on environmental conservation, especially the carrying capacity of agricultural land which is more sustainable. This is developed by Pupuk Kaltim so that independence and optimization of the agricultural sector can be achieved in one program integration," explained Soesilo.
Regarding the TOP Leader on CSR Commitment achievements that Soesilo has also succeeded in encouraging him to continue to increase his commitment to support the company's more measurable TJSL implementation governance system. The aspect of empowerment to achieve community independence with an increasingly conserved environment is the main focus of Pupuk Kaltim in supporting sustainability according to the business growth strategy run by the Company.
"All of these achievements increasingly motivate us to continue to do in providing benefits, especially increasing the achievement of the Company's TJSL targets which are more measurable to maximize potential in encouraging sustainability," said Soesilo.
The Chairperson of the 2024 TOP CSR Awards, M Lutfi Handayani, expressed his appreciation with the theme "CSR & ESG Innovation Programs for Sustainable Business Growth" held to encourage companies in Indonesia to continue to improve the quality and effectiveness of the TJSL program, so as to support the company's business growth strategy.
The Award is based on the provisions of ISO 26000, ESG and the business strategy of each company to provide social benefits for the community and the environment. This also sees a number of investors demanding that the company run the ESG with good governance, so that performance can continue to grow sustainably.
"The TOP CSR Awards are the highest, largest and proudest assessments and awards in Indonesia for companies and agencies that are considered successful in carrying out the CSR program in supporting sustainable business growth," said Lutfi.