Pilgrimage Visa Holders Can't Enter Makkah Until 15 Zulhijjah

MAKKAH - The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Authority issued a new policy, namely that pilgrimage visa holders with various types cannot enter and live in Makkah from 15 Zulkaidah (May 23) to 15 Zulhijjah 1445 Hijri or 22 June 2024.

"I received information that Saudi Arabia has issued new rules for users of pilgrimage visas. It is stated that users of pilgrimage visas with various types cannot enter Makkah from 15 Zulkaidah to 15 Zulhijjah 1445 Hijri," said Director of Foreign Hajj Services at the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) Subhan Cholid as reported by ANTARA, Friday, May 31.

According to him, this rule complements the previous provisions imposed on Umrah visa users.

The Saudi Arabian government has confirmed that users of the final Umrah visa can enter Makkah on 15 Zulkaidah 1445 Hijri or 23 May 2024 and must have left Saudi Arabia on 29 Zulkaidah 1445 Hijri or 6 June 2024.

"I think this is part of the Saudi Arabian government's efforts to carry out control in order to provide the best service for pilgrims who come from various countries in the world," said Subhan.

He hopes that the provisions from the Government of Saudi Arabia will also be considered by Indonesian citizens who intend to go to Makkah with a pilgrimage visa, so that they are not caught up in legal problems upon arrival in the Holy Land.

Subhan Cholid also appealed to pilgrims not to be tempted by non-procedural hajj offers by using non-hajj visas. Because the Government of Saudi Arabia is currently tightening regulations related to Hajj visas.

"For pilgrims who are currently in Saudi Arabia and want to enter Makkah for Hajj, but do not hold a Hajj visa, only have a pilgrimage visa, they should not force themselves. Because it is not in accordance with Saudi Arabia's provisions," said Subhan.