TNGGP Apologizes For The Viral Video Of The Leopard That Was Uploaded Apparently Recorded 10 Years Ago

CIANJUR - Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park Center recorded a video of a leopard uploaded by the official Instagram account some time ago, an old video recorded in August 2014. Head of BBTNGGP Sapto Aji Probowo apologized.

"On behalf of TNGGP, I apologize because the video uploaded by the social media team was a video 10 years ago, this is my fault not re-checking the uploaded video," said Sapto in Cianjur as reported by ANTARA, Friday, May 31.

However, his party confirmed that the leopard and beetle tiger that were uploaded on TNGGP's official social media even though it had been recorded 10 years ago that surveillance cameras were still alive because from 2014 until now there have been no carcasses of endangered animals in the national park area.

He explained that TNGGP has approximately 60 surveillance cameras deployed to monitor all living wildlife in TNGGP, officers routinely carry out patrols, taking data from cameras to track the presence of wild animals for data collection.

"Data from the Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture 2021, there are 24 leopards that live in the TNGGP area, while the 2022 data shows 416 Javanese Owa, and until 2019 there are 40 Javanese eagles living in national parks," he said.

As for the circulation of video of leopards and beetles posted a few days ago, he said, his party had no intention of spreading hoaxes on social media, but his team wanted to show the public the existence of a number of rare animals still in the Mount Gede Pangrango coservation area.

"The old video used is on the grounds that it is pleasing to the eye and has never been published," he said.

Currently, he said, TNGGP has the latest video from 2022 to 2024 showing the presence of leopards and beetles recorded by a member of the Forest Farmers Group (KTH) who is monitoring the area of Mount Gede-Pangrango.

"The latest video of the beetle tiger was caught on camera on April 15, 2024, is only a few meters from the rare animal," he said.

In order to straighten out the problem, his party will make official clarifications on his Instagram account, and will upload the latest video of leopards and beetles to convince the public that his whereabouts are still in the national park.