Polda Metro Arrests Lawyer For Counterfeiting DPR

Polda Metro Jaya arrested a lawyer with the initials HI who was involved in the alleged forgery of special plates for members of the House of Representatives (DPR) and membership cards (KTA). In this case, six people have been named as suspects.

"That's right (the lawyer's profession), the initials are HI," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi to reporters, Thursday, May 30.

For the other five suspects with the initials RH, A, AW, MTH, and MIM. They were secured in different locations.

In this case, the suspects also have different roles. For RH using STNK, ID Card, and 6 fake number plates.

Suspects A and AW are intermediaries for makers of fake plates, STNK, and ID Cards. Then, MTH as the maker.

"The five MIM suspects are plate makers, sixth, HI suspects are plate users, fake STNK and ID Cards with five plates," said Ade.

Specifically for the HI suspect, he used a fake 16-III plate on Tesla's car. The results of the examination of the motive behind the action were for personal gain.

"Based on information from investigators, it is used for personal gain," said Ade.