Getting To Know The Duties Of The KPK Pansel

YOGYAKARTA The Selection Committee (Pansel) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) or the KPK Pansel in general has an important task in determining candidates for KPK leadership. As an effort to keep the institution clean and neutral, the public needs to get to know the duties of the KPK's Pansel as well as supervise its performance.

The KPK Pansel rules themselves are contained in Article 30 paragraph (3) of Law Number 30 of 2002 concerning the Corruption Eradication Commission which has undergone two changes to the last with Law no. 19 of 2019 (KPK Law).

The task of the KPK Pansel itself is very important because the performance results will have an implementation of law enforcement for corruption (tipikor) in Indonesia.

It should also be noted that the member of the selection committee consists of elements of the government and elements of the community. So what are the tasks of the KPK Pansel at this time?

The first task of the KPK Pansel after the President inaugurated the formation of the team was to announce the acceptance of candidates to the public. Registration itself will be open for 14 working days.

Announcement to the public is made so that the Pansel gets a response to the name of the candidate. The response itself will be submitted to the Pansel no later than one month from the date the selection is announced.

The KPK Pansel will also convey the candidate for leadership to the elected President no later than 14 days from the date the candidate's name is received by the Pansel from the selection committee.

After that the President will announce the names of candidates twice the number of positions needed to the DPR RI, while members of the council must choose and determine the five candidates needed no later than three months after the President's response is received.

Council members must also choose and determine candidates with the composition of one chairman and four vice chairmen. Later, the candidates who have been elected will be submitted by the leadership of the DPR RI to the President no later than seven days from the end of the election so that the President can ratify them.

Meanwhile, the President is obliged to determine the candidate who has been elected no later than 30 days after the letter from the leadership of the DPR RI is received.

Prospective leaders who have been designated as KPK leaders will work for five years. During his tenure, the leadership will lead the implementation of the KPK in eradicating corruption in Indonesia. It is hoped that the KPK leadership will have integrity, credibility, and ability to prevent and enforce corruption laws.

Most recently, President Jokowi has named 9 presidential committee names and has signed a Presidential Decree (Keppres) regarding the presidential candidate committee. When interviewed, the President explained that there were nine names in which were held by professional elements and the government.

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