Google Adds Custom Tab Features Minimized Into Chrome

JAKARTA Google added the ability to open a web page with picture-in-picture mode into Chrome. With this new capability, users can switch to another page without closing the app. Announced on Chromium blog, this new feature is referred to as the Minimized Custom Tab. According to Google, the feature to be released by default in the Chrome version of M124 will make it easier to transition between applications or other web content. "With one simple tap on the bottom button in Chrome Tool Custom Tabs, users can minimize the Custom Tab into a concise and floating picture-in-picture window," Google said. This feature is only available if the developer adds such capabilities to its application. When opening a compatible application, the user will see the arrow mark icon down at the top of the screen, to be precise next to the cross-sign icon. If the user taps on the arrow, the web page that is currently opening will be minimized and looks like a small box floating at the bottom right of the screen. The window can be taped back to explore its web page again.

"This smooth integration allows multitasking on various platforms, thereby improving the in-app web browsing experience. By tapping the floating window, users can easily maximize the tab," explained Google. In accordance with the company's explanation, this feature is very useful if users want to explore the app without losing the web page that is currently opening. This feature is only available in mobile apps that support Chrome browsers.