Floods Hit 4 Villages In Malinau, Kaltara

TANJUNG SELOR - Personnel from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Malinau Regency and local volunteers evacuated residents and collected data on flood impacts that hit four villages upstream of the Bahau River, Bahau Hulu District, Malinau Regency, North Kalimantan.

"The water is still high," said Head of BPBD Malinau Regency Iwan Darma Yuana in Malinau, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 29.

Four villages were affected by flooding, namely Agu Ping Village, Long Kemuat Village, Long Berini Village, and Long Uli Village. The flood was triggered by high rain intensity from Tuesday (28/5) night to Wednesday (29/5) in the early hours of the morning in the interior of North Kalimantan.

Not only Bahau Hulu, the upstream area of the Bahau River, such as Pujungan District and several areas in Mentararang District, also did not escape the flood.

Until now there has been no official report on the number of victims or damage caused by flooding. The BPBD team and volunteers are still focused on evacuating residents and collecting data on the impact of the damage.