Pertamina Pertalite Consumption Projection Reaches 32.2 Million KL In 2025

PT Pertamina (Persero) projects that subsidized fuel consumption (BBM) in 2025 will increase.

Pertamina Patra Niaga President Director Riva Siahaan said the projected increase took into account economic growth and growth in the number of motorized vehicles by 2025.

According to Riva, the consumption of Pertalite's special type of fuel oil assignment (JBKP) is estimated to range from 32.1 million kiloliters (KL) to 32.2 million KL or an increase from 2024 which is estimated at 31.60 million KL.

On the other hand, the consumption of certain types of diesel fuel (JBT) is projected to range from 18.6 million KL to 18.7 million KL, an increase from the projected consumption in 2024 which reached 17.71 million KL.

As for kerosene or kerosene, it is projected to reach 525,000 KL to 527,000 KL in 2025, an increase from the projected consumption in 2024 which is estimated at 500,000 KL.

"There are several assumptions that we use in compiling or calculating the prograde (consumption) of Solar to Pertalite for 2025," said Riva, quoted on Wednesday, May 29.

Riva further said that what Pertamina was considering in carrying out this prognosis was the estimated economic growth in Indonesia in 2025, which is estimated to be around 5.1-5.5 percent, which refers to the projection set by the Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF) of the Ministry of Finance as of May 20, 2024.

Riva also said that his party was also considering the growth in the number of motorized vehicles, which is estimated to increase by 4 to 5 percent in 2025.

"This growth (motorized vehicles) has factored or calculated the growth of EVs (electric vehicles/electric vehicles) in 2024-2025," he said.

Riva said that the projected consumption of subsidized fuel next year also considers the assumption that the kerosene conversion program has not been carried out to LPG for Eastern Indonesia in 2025.

"The assumption that we also do is to continue to monitor and enforce the appropriate subsidy recording, both for Solar, Pertalite, and LPG," concluded Riva.