Rp354 Million Village Funds Corrupted, Kades Tekalong Kapuas Hulu Arrested

Kapuas HULU - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kapuas Hulu Resort Police (Polres), West Kalimantan, named a suspect with the initials FLM related to alleged corruption (tipikor) of village funds in Tekalong Village, Mentebah District, Kapuas Hulu Regency.

"The suspect used village funds for personal gain, causing state losses of approximately Rp. 354.7 million," said Head of the Kapuas Hulu Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Police Inspector One (Iptu) Rinto Sihombing, to ANTARA, at Putussibau Kapuas Hulu, Wednesday, May 29.

Rinto said that from the results of the investigation and investigation of the suspect FLM, who at that time served as the Head of Tekalong Village, was suspected of abusing his power and committing a criminal act of corruption by not carrying out several (fictitious) activities in managing village funds for the 2018 to 2020 Fiscal Year.

In 2024, Tekalong Village will receive an allocation of village funds (ADD) and village funds (DD) of IDR 1.1 billion, in 2019 IDR 1.3 billion and in 2020 IDR 1.5 billion.

"The budget has all been entered into the village account, but by the suspect a number of activities were not carried out and other activities were carried out, but were not completed," explained Rinto.

From the handling of the case, the Kapuas Hulu Police have coordinated with the West Kalimantan Provincial Financial Audit Agency to calculate state losses.

Based on the auditor on the calculation of state financial losses (PKKN) and criminal experts in the case of village funds in Tekalong Village, it was found that state losses amounted to approximately Rp. 354.7 million.

"The suspect has admitted his actions and is currently being held at the Kapuas Hulu Police Station," he said.

Dalam kasus tersebut Polres Kapuas Hulu menjerat tersangka dengan pasal 2 dan atau pasal 3 Undang-Undang nomor 31 Tahun 1999 Tentang pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi sebagaimana telah diubah dan ditambah dalam Undang-Undang nomor 20 Tahun 2001 Tentang perubahan atas Undang-Undang nomor 31 Tahun 1999 Tentang pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi dengan ancaman maksimal hukuman yaitu 20 tahun penjara.

"All files have been declared complete, including tools and evidence, so that in the near future we will transfer the case to the Kapuas Hulu District Attorney for further legal proceedings," said Rinto.