6 Autoimmune Diseases That Often Attack Women, Check Out The Cause
YOGYAKARTA - Autoimmune diseases are considered more susceptible to women than men. There are several autoimmune diseases that often infect women with different symptoms in each person. These various autoimmune problems are also caused by different causes.
This health problem occurs because the immune system is wrong about healthy cells as foreign objects. The immune system then attacks healthy organs and tissues that cause damage.
A study says that women have a 4 times higher risk of getting sick. So what are the autoimmune diseases that often attack women and their causes?
Usually, autoimmune diseases are experienced a lot when the age range is 15-44 years or at a fertile age. Symptoms of autoimmune in women can also vary based on the causes. This confusion is some of the autoimmune diseases that often attack women:
Lupus is a type of autoimmune disease that often attacks women. This condition occurs when the immune system attacks healthy cells, tissue and organs. Lupus causes inflammation in various parts of the body such as joints, skin, kidneys, and lungs.
In women, the symptoms of autoimmune caused by lupus can vary widely. A woman may experience a butterfly-shaped rash on her face, fever, weight loss, hair loss, mouth injury, fatigue, headache or dizziness, to joint pain.
Hashimoto disease is another type of autoimmune disease that also often infects women. This health problem occurs when the immune system attacks the cells and thyroid tissue. This condition causes the body to not be able to produce thyroid hormones adequately.
Women suffering from Hashimoto often experience symptoms due to thyroid hormone deficiency (hypothyroidism), such as fatigue, tingling, drastic weight gain, excessive cold, or hoarse sound.
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks cells that produce insulin hormones in the pancreas. As a result, the body is not able to produce insulin properly and causes blood sugar levels to increase.
Symptoms of type 1 diabetes include a number of symptoms, ranging from excessive thirst, frequent urination, hunger or fatigue, loss of weight for no reason, difficult wounds to heal, dry and itchy skin, and sneering in the legs.
If the immune system attacks cells in joints, then the autoimmune disease that occurs can be in the form of an arthritis rheutatoid. This disease has various symptoms with varying severity. In women, symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can be severe pain, swelling, or stiffness in joints, fever, extraordinary fatigue, and fever.
Women who suffer from celiac disease have an immune system that reacts excessively to gluten. Gluten is a substance that is widely found in bread, noodles, or cream. As a result, the intestine has inflammation, so the body has difficulty absorbing nutrients properly.
Women with this condition will experience various symptoms after eating foods containing gluten. Symptoms can include bloating stomach, stomach pain, diarrhea or constipation, weight changes, fatigue, delayed menstruation, and skin rashes.
Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks a fat layer that protects nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord (mielin). Women have a higher risk of multiple sclerosis than men.
In women, the autoimmune symptoms of this disease vary widely, including visual impairment, fatigue, numbness or tingling, muscle seizures, stiff muscles, and difficulty walking. Symptoms of autoimmune disease in women vary depending on the part of the body being attacked. These symptoms can also recur suddenly, known as flares.
Those are some autoimmune diseases that often attack women. The various autoimmune diseases above have different causes and need to be watched out for to avoid health problems. Also read the habits that cause cervical cancer.
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