PDIP Ready To Win Khofifah In The East Java Gubernatorial Election If You Choose A Banteng Deputy Cadre

PDIP stated that it was ready to win the incumbent cagub, Khofifah Indar Parawansa in the East Java gubernatorial election if he chose a representative who was promoted by the bull party. This was conveyed by the Chairman of the PDIP DPP Said Abdullah in response to the dynamics of the 2024 East Java Pilkada. According to Said, East Java is the basis for Nahdliyin or NU. Meanwhile, Khofifah is a genuine student who is raised from the NU circle. In fact, Khofifah is currently still serving as the General Chair of the Muslimat. The Nahdliyin women organization which is known to have a large following and has high loyalty.

Khofifah, is also still in the ranks of the NU Executive Board led by KH Miftachul Akhyar and Yahya Cholil Tsaquf or Gus Yahya. "So if Mbak Khofifah is willing to embrace the abangan community as his deputy from the PDI-P, I think these two powers will represent two major cultural patterns in the

"East Java," Said told reporters, Tuesday, May 28.

Said said, PDIP has many cadres who are ready to accompany Khofifah as her deputy candidate. The cadres, according to him, are cadres who excel and have experience in leading their regions.

"PDIP has Gus Yani, the Regent of Gresik, there is Mas Arifin, the Regent of Trenggalek, there is Mas Ony, the Regent of Ngawi, there is Ning Ipuk, the Regent of Banyuwangi. There is also Achmad Fauzi, the Regent of Sumenep," said Said. "If Mbak Khofifah chooses Mas Fauzi, he will complement the representation of the Madura community as a leader in East Java. After Pak Noer, there will be no more representation of Madurese as leaders in East Java," continued the member of the DPR for the Madura electoral district, East Java.

In principle, added Said, the East Java PDIP will be ready to mobilize all forces to win the governor and deputy governor candidates carried by the PDI-P. "And God willing, we will get victory," concluded Said.