Guidance Is One Of Bali United's Focuses In The Annual GMS

JAKARTA - PT Bali Bintang Sejahtera Tbk, which is the parent of the Bali United football club, held a General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) on Monday, May 27, 2024.

Pada agenda tersebut pembinaan usia muda jadi pembahasan yang cukup tenekankan.

The main agenda of this Annual GMS is the reading of the Financial Statements for the 2023 Financial Year and the adjustment of business licenses discussed in the Extraordinary GMS.

In addition, there is also a General Exposure (PUBEX) which displays performance developments and plans for the Bali United business unit in 2024.

One of them is the achievement of the Bali United Training Center which now has a series of facilities with world-class standards.

The Bali United Training Center is then not only optimized for training and matches, but must also be one of the pioneers of sports tourism in Indonesia.

Bali United CEO, Yabes Tanuri, said that furthermore, his party will also focus on early childhood development. This was done in addition to suppressing the club's spending, also producing its own stars.

"Teamwise, of course, the cost is very large, especially compared to European countries where ticketing costs are very low. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, it is very high and increasing," he said regarding the club's business aspect on Monday, May 27, 2024.

"Then with the existence of other costs that are quite increasing in Indonesia, we focus on young people so that the sustainability of the quality players, especially from the academy, can happen."

"So, we can maintain or decrease the annual expenditure for players," said Yabes again.

This year, Bali United hopes to record a much better performance from 2023, including an increase in revenue in all pillars and business units in terms of business.

Yabes hopes that 2024 will be a revival of the achievements and achievements of the Group's BOLA compared to 2023. Currently, the club's achievements have reached the top four of the competition and are fighting for the third winner.

"For now, we still have the opportunity to reach third place in Liga 1 (2023/2024). Hopefully it will be a trigger to continue to rise from various aspects. We are grateful for the support of all of them," said Yabes Tanuri.