Cak Imin Asks The Government To Explain The 2.5 Percent Employee Salary Cut Every Tapera Deposit Month

JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) responded to the government's policy of cutting the salaries of civil servants, private sector, BUMN, to the TNI/Polri for saving people's housing savings (Tapera). The plan drew criticism from employees who objected to the government's plan.

Cak Imin said the DPR would summon the government and related parties to explain the plan. According to him, this is so that there is no misunderstanding and burdens the employees.

"Of course we want to call all related parties to ask the DPR for an explanation at once so that there is no misunderstanding and burdensome," said Cak Imin at the DPR building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, May 28.

It is known that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) signed Government Regulation (PP) Number 21 of 2024 concerning Amendments to Government Regulation Number 25 of 2O2O concerning the Implementation of Public Housing Savings.

The amount of participant savings is set at 3 percent of the salary or wages for worker participants and income for independent worker participants. The employer bears 0.5 percent and the worker is 2.5 percent.

Article 7 explains the details of workers who are included in the criteria, namely civil servants (PNS), employees of the state civil apparatus (ASN), TNI/Polri, state officials, BUMN/BUMD employees, private workers, to independent workers (freelancer).

Based on Article 68 of Government Regulation Number 25 of 2020, it is explained that employers are required to register workers with BP Tapera no later than 7 years from the date of the enactment of the regulation. This means that the registration of Tapera fund participation must be carried out no later than 2027.

Meanwhile, the Housing Savings Management Agency (BP Tapera) stated that the cut was the government's effort to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of Tapera.

"This latest PP is a refinement of the previous rule," said BP Tapera Commissioner, Heru Pudyo Nugroho.